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Array filter in angularjs

I need to make a filter that searches the following array of objects and filters out those objects whose ID value is equal to a Message value in any of those objects in the array. Also the filter should return only objects with level equal to 1. I've already managed to filter the level property, but I can't seem to figure out how to do the rest.

Let's consider an example: ID: 001 contains in its Message 006, so I want to filter out all objects, whose ID is 006.

$scope.myData = [
   "ID" : "001",
   "Message" : "006",
   "ID" : "002",
   "Message" : "test test test test1",

   "ID" : "003",
   "Message" : "test test test test",

   "ID" : "004",
   "Message" : "test test test test",
   "ID" : "005",
   "Message" : " My Test",

   "ID" : "006",
   "Message" : "",

   "ID" : "007",
   "Message" : "next level",



And filter:

app.filter('filterData3', function () {
return function (data) {
    var dataToBePushed = [];
    data.forEach(function (resultData) {
        if (resultData.level == 1)
    return dataToBePushed;


  • Assuming that what you want is to NOT include in your filtered array the elements which ID is contained in another element's Message, you could write a filter like the following:

    .filter('filterData3', function () {
    return function (data) {
        var dataToBePushed = [];
        var messages =[];
        data.forEach(function (resultData) {
            if (resultData.level == 1 && (messages.indexOf(resultData.ID) == -1)) {
        return dataToBePushed;

    Hope this works for you