Im trying to have my SKNode have a value forkey that I can access to get a value from. Its just like the name property ( but I want to be able to have booleans be the value.
This is how I'm trying to create this value.
block.setValue(false, forUndefinedKey: "is-Block")
Then when I try to access it I use this
if block.valueForKey("is_Block") == true {
//run code here
I'm stumped. Any suggestions? I apologize if this is a little confusing. I'm not good at explaining simple things.
The issue is that is_Block does not exist on SKNode.
setValue forUndefinedKey
will raise NSUndefinedKeyException by default.
If you had a subclass, you would override this function to do what you want to do.
See to better understand key value coding.
If you want to have SKNode have a custom variable named is_Block, you are going to have to create an extension for SKNode, and create a property that will store this data for you.
import Foundation
import SpriteKit
import ObjectiveC
extension SKNode{
var isBlock: Bool {
get {
var key = "isBlock";
guard let block = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &key) as? Bool
return false
return block
set(newValue) {
var key = "isBlock";
print("Setting \(newValue)")
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &key, newValue , objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
Test in playground:
import Foundation
import SpriteKit
import ObjectiveC
extension SKNode{
var isBlock: Bool {
get {
var key = "isBlock";
guard let block = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &key) as? Bool
return false
return block
set(newValue) {
var key = "isBlock";
print("Setting \(newValue)")
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &key, newValue , objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
let a = SKNode()
let b = SKNode()
a.isBlock = false
b.isBlock = true
print ("\(a.isBlock), \(b.isBlock)")
b.isBlock = false
a.isBlock = true
print ("\(b.isBlock), \(a.isBlock)")