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Uninstall SUMO 0.22

I need to remove SUMO 0.22 in order to install SUMO 0.25. I have been using Ubuntu since 2009, but I never came across this problem.

I tried:

sudo apt-get remove sumo
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove sumo
sudo apt-get purge sumo
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove sumo

None of the above is working. The output is shown:

Enter image description here

I went to usr/local/bin/ and found both sumo and sumo-gui there + some other important executables needed for sumo. I installed SUMO by downloading the .tar file and used ./configure, make, and make install.

I need to work on veins which no longer supports SUMO 0.22.


  • If you installed using make install you cannot hope for apt-get remove to work. apt-get can only uninstall packages it installed. If you still have the directory where you did the ./configure & make and sudo make install then go there and do sudo make uninstall. If not:

    cd /usr/local/bin
    sudo rm activitygen dfrouter emissionsDrivingCycle jtrrouter marouter od2trips sumo-gui TraCITestClient duarouter emissionsMap netconvert netgenerate polyconvert sumo

    This should remove all binaries. I did not check whether all of them were already present in 0.22 so if it is complaining about missing files leave them out.