I am having data model like this:
I have created classes of both the above entities as:
Conversation {
@NSManaged var messages: NSSet?
I am having object of Conversation
and I am using NSFetchedResultsController
to fetch all conversations and showing them on screen.
If I want to get a particular message from that conversation, then which way will be better:
(I am having method in Conversation
as to get particular message and below are the contents of method)
1 Fetch request
func getParticularMessage(uid: String) -> Message {
let pred = NSPredicate(format: "conversation == %@ AND uid == %@", self, uid)
let entity = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("Message", inManagedObjectContext: moc)
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest()
fetchRequest.entity = entity!
fetchRequest.predicate = pred
let results = try moc.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest)
return results.first as! Message
} catch {
let resultError = error as NSError
2 iterate through NSSet
func getParticularMessage(uid: String) -> Message {
for msg in messages {
let singleMsg = msg as! Message
if singleMsg.uid == uid {
//this is the message which we want
return singleMsg
Let's say this getParticularMessage
method is getting called very often (10 times each minute) while app is running.
This frequency is because app is chatting app and when we send any message and get the delivery status, read status it gets called.
As user can send message frequently in a minute, this method can get called very often.
Your code is dangerous because you don't know that you will find a result to return, if you don't you'll return nil and / or try to unwrap it.
In some ways the efficiency depends on how big the database is, how many messages are in a conversation and how many of them are already loaded into memory.
Generally the fetch will fare better, your other option requires all objects to be loaded to memory. If you know they're already loaded to memory (not faulted) then the loop should be faster...
Finally, you shouldn't care right now. If you observe an issue then you should test to find out based on analysis of general usage conditions and extreme cases.