In our setup we have lots of Dropwizard services which are streaming their metrics to a Hystrix dashboard.
We are writing a new service in Spring Boot and would like the metrics stream to be on the same URL as the Dropwizard one, but I can't find out how to override the stream servlet's URL pattern.
I'm sure this is configurable somehow, any ideas?
Had to register a custom bean to override the hard coded value like this in the application class:
public CustomHystrixStreamEndpoint customHystrixStreamEndpoint() {
return new CustomHystrixStreamEndpoint();
and the create the custom wrapper class like this:
public class CustomHystrixStreamEndpoint extends ServletWrappingEndpoint {
public CustomHystrixStreamEndpoint() {
super(HystrixMetricsStreamServlet.class, "customHystrixStream",
false, true);
and then turn off the default one like this in the config file: false
FYI the default wrapper class is called HystrixStreamEndpoint