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Negative pattern matching Reg ex In Python

Tryto use negative forward to replace all string which does not match a pattern:

regexPattern = '((?!*' + 'word1|word2|word3' + ').)*$'  
mytext= 'jsdjsqd word1dsqsqsword2fjsdjswrod3sqdq'
return re.sub(regexPattern, "P", mytext)

#Expected Correct Output:  'PPPPPPword1PPPPPPword2PPPPPword3PPP'

#BAD Output:  'jsdjsqd word1dsqsqsword2fjsdjswrod3sqdq'

I try this but it does not work (string remains same). How to modify it ? (think this is pretty difficult regex)


  • You can use

    import re
    regex = re.compile(r'(word1|word2|word3)|.', re.S)
    mytext = 'jsdjsqd word1dsqsqsword2fjsdjsword3sqdq'
    print(regex.sub(lambda m: if else "P", mytext))
    // => PPPPPPPPword1PPPPPPword2PPPPPPword3PPPP

    See the IDEONE demo

    The regex is (word1|word2|word3)|.:

    • (word1|word2|word3) - either word1, or word2, or word3 character sequences
    • | - or...
    • . - any character (incl. a newline as re.S DOTALL mode is on)

    See the regex demo