I'm trying to do editor for array of numbers using NoUiSlider (Yankovsky directive)
I've managed to create basic functionality but I'm struggling with binding.
I have my array like this:
vm.myNumbers = [1, 2, 6];
but this directive requires option to be set as whole object:
vm.options = {
start: 3,
connect: 'lower',
range: {
min: 0,
max: 10
I'd like to create slider for each element of my array and automatically update it's value, something like on below picture.
Problem is NoUiSlider directive doesn't have standalone binding for value.
Here is Plunker showing my current code: http://plnkr.co/edit/ljm96tdcGgvwo3Hnayfk?p=preview
Can I bind items from my array but keep rest of options in that options object?
You may refer to this plunker code...
You are binding same options
to every slider, and hence getting issues.
I have updated your code which may help you.