trying to collect sample 2 pct multi column stats on a VT
Problem is , it does not sample or I am missing something
COLUMN ( C1,C2,C3) ,
COLUMN ( C1 ) on vt ,
Volatile table VT has a few Billion rows and it takes just as much "forever" time to collect stats on VT as would be a regular stats collection.
Also elsewhere , in a similar situation in past , I observed if I use the 'new' ( many cols in one ) stats collection syntax , it'd sample the 1st col and ignore the rest ( now this 2nd part isn't verified all the way since I based it more out of a 'time taken' hunch as against peeping into the histo. )
show stats values
COLUMN ( C1,C2,C3 ) ,
COLUMN ( C1 ) on vt;
COLUMN ( C1,C2,C3 )
ON vt
/** SummaryInfo **/
/* Data Type and Length: 'I8:8', 'I:4', 'CF:1' */
/* TimeStamp */ TIMESTAMP '2016-03-29 16:16:13-00:00',
/* Version */ 6,
/* OriginalVersion */ 6,
/* DBSVersion */ '14.00.00',
/* UsageType */ 'D',
/* ComplexStatInfo */ 'ComplexStatInfo',
/* NumOfBiasedValues */ 0,
/* NumOfEHIntervals */ 200,
/* NumOfHistoryRecords */ 1,
/* SamplePercent */ 0.00,
/* NumOfNulls */ 0,
/* NumOfAllNulls */ 0,
/* NumOfPartialNullVals */ 0,
/* PartialNullHMF */ 0,
/* AvgAmpRPV */ 0.000000,
/* MinVal */ 2012070201942549261, 221945585, 'P',
/* MaxVal */ 2014022922306867633, 277308727, 'P',
/* ModeVal */ 2012070201942549261, 221945585, 'P',
/* HighModeFreq */ 1,
/* NumOfDistinctVals */ 1201056221,
/* NumOfRows */ 1201056221,
/* CPUUsage */ 0.000000,
/* IOUsage */ 0.000000,
/* Reserved */ 0,
/* Reserved */ 0,
/* Reserved */ 0.000000,
/* Reserved */ 0.000000,
/* Reserved */ '',
/* StatsSkipCount */ 0,
/* SysInsertCnt */ 0,
/* SysDeleteCnt */ 0,
/* SysUpdateCnt */ 0,
/* SysInsDelLastResetTS */ TIMESTAMP '9999-12-31 23:59:59-00:00',
/* SysUpdLastResetTS */ TIMESTAMP '9999-12-31 23:59:59-00:00',
/* IsSampleFollowingTrend*/ 0,
/** Interval: MaxVal[3], ModeVal[3], ModeFreq, LowFreq, OtherVals, OtherRows **/
/* SamplePercent */ 0.00,
is what I am going by . I am sure I am missing something.
Is this /* DBSVersion */ '14.00.00',
correct? You seem to run a very old release, is this a TD Express?
Well, if you got a 5,000,000,000 row table, this /* NumOfRows */ 1201056221,
seems to indicates approx. 25%, that's strange, too.
If you Explain your COLLECT STATS
you can see if it's actually sampling or not.
Can you add the table's DDL?