I am running OWASP ZAP Spider on a domain and retrieving the list of URLs. In the list I can see few OUT OF SCOPE URLs as shown in the image below.
I want to export all this output into an excel (including all the entries tagged as "OUT OF SCOPE"). Can anyone please help me with that?
You can access this information via the ZAP API, which has a (basic) HTML interface. Point your browser to the host/port your instance of ZAP is listening on and select: "Local API" / "spider" / "fullResults" Then enter '0' for the scanId and press the 'fullResults' button. You may also need to supply your API key, which is available from the ZAP Options / API screen. You can also change the format of the results if you want - HTML, JSON and XML are all supported.
Simon (ZAP Project Lead)