DFF_2 : dff_0_2 port map(READY_c => READY_c, CT0 =>CT0);
\DFF_0\ : dff_0 port map(un1_CT1 => un1_CT1, CT2 =>CT2);
DFF_10 : dff_0_10 port map(MRVQN1 => MRVQN1, un1_CT2_1 =>GSMC_un1_CT2_1);
DFF_1 : dff_0_1 port map(un1_CT2_1 =>GSMC_un1_CT2_1);
DFF_1 : dff_0_1 port map(un1_CT2_1 =>un1_CT2_1);
expected output1:
DFF_2 : dff_0_2 port map(READY_c => READY_c, CT0 =>CT0);
\DFF_0\ : dff_0 port map(un1_CT1 => un1_CT1, CT2 =>CT2);
DFF_10 : dff_0_10 port map(MRVQN1 => MRVQN1, un1_CT2_1 =>GSMC_un1_CT2_1);
DFF_1 : dff_0_1 port map(un1_CT2_1 =>un1_CT2_1);
expected output2: (no need to be in order, but updated line should be resumed)
DFF_1 : dff_0_1 port map(un1_CT2_1 =>un1_CT2_1);
DFF_10 : dff_0_10 port map(MRVQN1 => MRVQN1, un1_CT2_1 =>GSMC_un1_CT2_1);
\DFF_0\ : dff_0 port map(un1_CT1 => un1_CT1, CT2 =>CT2);
DFF_2 : dff_0_2 port map(READY_c => READY_c, CT0 =>CT0);
I can't use duplicate line removal perl script for this situation as the string word8 is updated with new string word10. I tried like reverse the content and apply line with duplicate word to be removed.but, could not achieve it by my code.
open (IN, "<input.txt") or die;
open (OUT, ">output.txt") or die;
my @reverse = reverse <IN>;
foreach (@reverse){
print OUT "@reverse\n"; }
close (IN);
close (OUT);
DFF_1 : dff_0_1 port map(un1_CT2_1 =>un1_CT2_1);
DFF_1 : dff_0_1 port map(un1_CT2_1 =>GSMC_un1_CT2_1);
DFF_10 : dff_0_10 port map(MRVQN1 => MRVQN1, un1_CT2_1 =>GSMC_un1_CT2_1);
\DFF_0\ : dff_0 port map(un1_CT1 => un1_CT1, CT2 =>CT2);
DFF_2 : dff_0_2 port map(READY_c => READY_c, CT0 =>CT0);
open (IN1, "<output.txt") or die;
open (OUT1, ">output1.txt") or die;
while (<IN1>){
my $save = "$1" if /(.+)\s\:/;
next if /$save\s/;
print OUT1 $_;}
close (IN1);
close (OUT1;
But it is not generating the output file as expected. Kindly help me out.
Use hash for to do it.
While iterate the loop try to split the line by using the :
, So split the line with pattern matching like this ^.+?\K\s:
for the beginning of the match
helps to avoid the greed of the +
for keep the word from splitting.
Then store the two data in $first
and $second
. The create the hash key by $first
values. It helps to remove the duplicate. Then finally the uniq values is stored into the %hash
then format the hash by using grep
open my $fh,"<","one.txt";
my %hash;
while (<$fh>)
($first,$second) = split(/^.+?\K\s:/);
$hash{$first} = " : $second";
my @ar = grep{ $_ =$_.$hash{$_} }keys %hash;
print @ar;