I have a pipeline, which takes data from webcam and process it.
For the processing i need to pull that buffer to appsink and push it into pipeline by using appsrc element.
While pushing i had used gst_buffer_new_wrapped function.
Then a new buffer is allocated every time i am pushing the data. But how to free that memory is the problem.
I had tried gst_buffer_unref(buffer);
Then got below error.
Error in `./uuHiesSoaServer': free(): invalid pointer: 0x00007fddf52f6000
I had take the data into an unsigned char pointer and then wrapped into a gstbuffer based on the size.
Now how to free the allocated memory?
g_signal_emit_by_name (Source, "push-buffer", Buffer, &ret);
I had used above function for pushing data into Source(appsrc).
That function will continuously call on a separate thread.
When data available to it, then the thread function will create a buffer using
gst_buffer_new_wrapped((void *)data, Size);
When checking in valgrind, for memory leaks, above line was shown as a leak.
How to solve this?
How do you push the buffer into appsrc?
If you use gst_app_src_push_buffer function I guess you do not have to free resources because gst_app_src_push_buffer will own the buffer (which means it also frees it) Check this example
If you use need-data callback you may need to free data - check this example