Search code examples

.bat Find and Replace text

I have some files that contain some of if not all of the following:

Program RxBIN RXPCN RxGroup MemberID

not all files will have all of those headers but the ones that do I will need to replace so it looks like this:

@Program @RxBIN @RXPCN @RxGroup @MemberID

Thanks in Advance, Joe


  • I'd still be inclined to go with a tool built for this purpose: Batch Replacer seems to fit the bill perfectly.

    But if you're dead set on it... something using the old repl.bat with a multi arg parser... this becomes a bit of a monster that using the DEBUG command but here's the final masterpiece:

    Source code: mmrepl.bat

    setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    ::: mmrepl - Replaces one or more strings with others, in file(s)
    ::: syntax: mmrepl.bat $file $find $replace [$find $replace] ...
    :::            $file    [in] - file to be parsed
    :::            $find    [in] - string to find
    :::            $replace [in] - string to replace with
    :::         * $find & $replace should be supplied in pairs, n multiples allowed
    :::         * $file can be a single file (eg.txt) or a file filter (*.txt)
    :::           you can supply any command that works with 'dir /b $file'
    :::           so paths and drives are also valid.
    :::         * $find,$replace strings can be single words, or strings enclosed
    :::            in quotes (which will be stripped)
    if "%~1"=="" findstr "^:::" "%~f0"&GOTO:EOF
    if not exist %1 echo No files matching %1 found&GOTO:EOF
    ::Creates the following log file:
    set log=%0.log
    ::Temporarily creates the following files but cleans up
    set replscr=TEMPDEBUG.SCR
    set cmplsrc=TEMPEDLN.SCR
    echo To see the work of %0.bat view the log file %log%
    echo Multi-Multi Replacement (%0.bat)>%log%
    set "files=%1"
    set mmreplcmd=
    :: Pair up find/replaces
    set p1=%1
    set p1=!p1:"=!
    set p2=%2
    set p2=!p2:"=!
    SET mmreplcmd=%mmreplcmd%'1R%p1%' 1A '%p2%' 0D 0A 
    echo Replacing "%p1%" with "%p2%" >> %log%
    if "%~1" neq "" goto:strippairs
    ::Build script
    echo N%cmplsrc% > %replscr%
    echo E CS:100 %mmreplcmd%'E' 0D 0A>> %replscr%
    echo RCX >> %replscr%
    echo 40 >> %replscr%
    echo W >> %replscr%
    echo Q >> %replscr%
    DEBUG < %replscr% > NUL
    ::Execute on files
    for /f %%a IN ('dir /b %files%') do (
      echo *** File: %%a >> %log%
      EDLIN %%a < %cmplsrc% >> %log%
    DEL %replscr%
    DEL %cmplsrc%

    NOTE: I had to remove the "is contained" within searching of repl.bat because you're adding an ampersand to each title so it's always containing... my testing shows this works fine, but YMMV (test).