I have created two models named Enrollment and Student. In Student Model there is an one2many field called enrollment_ids.
I just want to create Enrollment through that one2many field.
I can remove create button from kanban & form views. But If I remove Create button from tree view I cannot either add enrollment from that one2many field...
How should I complete my Requirement....?
You need to have to separate tree view for Enrollment, one for Enrollment's main view the other inside student view :
<field name="enrollment_ids" editable="bottom">
<tree string="This Enrollment tree view inside student">
<field name="state"/>
<field name="name"/>
<form string="This Enrollment form view inside student" >
<field name="state"/>
<field name="name"/>
If you still not sure how to do it, just show me your student view xml code.