In my plugin I was able to build a new project wizard but the first page doesn't look right. E.g. this is what my plugin has:
And this is what most other plugins have:
The thing that's missing for me is the "SDK" option. Our plugin requires Java 8 and I'd like the option to pick an SDK to show up there. But I don't understand where that's configured.
This is in my plugins.xml
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<!-- moduleBuilder builderClass="com.codename1.plugin.intellij.module.CodenameOneModuleType"/ -->
<moduleType id="CodenameOne.Module" implementationClass="com.codename1.plugin.intellij.module.CodenameOneModuleType" classpathProvider="true" />
just extends ModuleType<NewCodenameOneProject>
where NewCodenameOneProject
is basically a JavaModuleBuilder
. I can post some more sources if that would help.
BTW is there a javadoc for the plugin API's?
I know where the sources are but is there no ready made JavaDoc?
I didn't find a totally clear solution to this but I did reach several conclusions based on the discussion here:
Setting the SDK for the project should be done via: ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).setProjectSdk(jdk);
Instead of overriding createWizardSteps
which starts on the second page of the wizard I can just override the first page by using getCustomOptionsStep
Once I understood those I just recreated the combo box UI above using the IntelliJ/IDEA gui builder and some logic:
private void refreshSDKCombo(Sdk preferredSdk) {
DefaultComboBoxModel<Sdk> sdks = new DefaultComboBoxModel<>();
Sdk[] s = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks();
for (Sdk ss : s) {
if (ss.getSdkType() instanceof JavaSdkType) {
String str = ss.getVersionString();
if (str.contains("1.8.") || str.contains("1.9.")) {
if(preferredSdk != null) {
String str = preferredSdk.getVersionString();
if (str.contains("1.8.") || str.contains("1.9.")) {
if(sdks.getSize() > 0) {
Noticed I limited the options to JDK 8+ which is required for our use case!
I bound the button logic to configure the SDK as such:
newButton.addActionListener(e -> {
ProjectJdksEditor editor = new ProjectJdksEditor((Sdk)projectSDKCombo.getSelectedItem(),
if (editor.showAndGet()) {
Sdk selectedJdk = editor.getSelectedJdk();