While this compiles fine on Linux 64 bit with gcc:
#define CONST_1 255
#define CONST_2 255
#define CONST_PROD ((CONST_1) * (CONST_2))
it gives an overflow warning on avr-gcc (8 bit):
constants.c:13:31: warning: integer overflow in expression [-Woverflow]
#define CONST_PROD ((CONST_1) * (CONST_2))
which is fair enough since the result is too large for a 16 bit signed integer.
The warning goes away when defining the constant(s) like this:
#define CONST_1 255U
or by adding a cast:
#define CONST_PROD ((uint16_t)(CONST_1) * (CONST_2))
I think in effect both do the same but is one way preferred over the other?
Avoid casting, which can unexpectedly narrow the value.
Alternatives - best depends on many things. In general, if the number is meant to be unsigned, append a u
or use some UINTN_C()
// u or U the same
#define CONST_1 255U
#define CONST_1 255u
// 1u* to bring about unsigned math. () around `CONST_1` shouldn't be necessary.
#define CONST_PROD (1u*CONST_1 * CONST_2)
// Macros for minimum-width integer constants
#include <stdint.h>
// UINT16_C() makes the constant type uint_least16_t
#define CONST_PROD (UINT16_C(CONST_1) * UINT16_C(CONST_2))
OTOH, if a value is meant to be exact N bits and no other width,
#define CONST16_MASK_MIDDLE_BITS ((uint16_t) 0x00FFFF00u)
I see little value with UL
. If you want the constant to be a wide type, go for widest.
#define CONST_1 255ULL
// or
#define CONST_1 ((uintmax_t)255u)