Just writing a unit test to ensure an actor shuts down under certain conditions, so I have a test like:
val tddTestActor = TestActorRef[MyActor](Props(classOf[MyActor], "param1"))
tddTestActor ! someMessage
tddTestActor.isTerminated shouldBe true
I'm picking up a warning that isTerminated is deprecated. The hint recommends I use context.watch() however in a unit test I don't have a parent actor or any context to watch.
What would be the bext way to validate tddTestActor shuts down ?
I agree that watching is the best way to get this done. When I am testing for stop behavior, I will usually use a TestProbe
as the watcher to check on my actor under test. Say I had a very simple Actor
defined as follows:
class ActorToTest extends Actor{
def receive = {
case "foo" =>
sender() ! "bar"
context stop self
Then, using specs2 in combination with akka's TestKit
I could test the stop behavior like so:
class StopTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) with SpecificationLike with ImplicitSender{
trait scoping extends Scope {
val watcher = TestProbe()
val actor = TestActorRef[ActorToTest]
"Sending the test actor a foo message" should{
"respond with 'bar' and then stop" in new scoping{
actor ! "foo"