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Change Label text from different class in java

I have a main gui class which has been made in the NetBeans gui builder. I am creating a mini game where the JLabel timer goes down. The JLabel is located in the main gui and the timer is located in a separate classes called timer for instance. When the loop for the timer is looping, I want the JLabel located in the main gui to change (Timer=10, Timer=9, ...etc).

Review the sample code below for a better understanding.

This is the class where the timer is located:

public class ShapeGame {

Timer timer;
int counter = 10;

ShapeGame() {

    ActionListener a = new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

            System.out.println("Counter = " + counter);
            labTimer.setText("Timer: " + counter);
            if (--counter < 0) {

    timer = new Timer(1000, a);

This is amended code for where the JLabel is located:

(NOTE: not all code has been added for the JLabel and JFrame just for reading purposes)

public class mainGui extends JFrame {

labTimer = new javax.swing.JLabel();

    private void gameStartStopActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                              
        ShapeGame sg = new ShapeGame();

I understand this is not the correct way to call the Label from a different class labTimer.setText("Timer: " + counter);. Hope I have provided enough information to help solve this problem.


  • One possible simple (but not clean) solution is to pass the JLabel into the ShapeGame class so that it can mutate its state directly.


    public class ShapeGame {
        Timer timer;
        int counter = 10;
        // note change to constructor parameter
        public ShapeGame(final JLabel label) {
            ActionListener a = new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Counter = " + counter);
                    // note changes
                    // labTimer.setText("Timer: " + counter);
                    label.setText("Timer: " + counter);
                    if (--counter < 0) {
            timer = new Timer(1000, a);

    Then when creating the ShapeGame class, pass the JLabel into its constructor call. Cleaner would be to structure your program a la MVC.