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Ruby: how to generate a json output with braces (brackets, parentheses, curlies) in a new line

for a reference file compare a need the possibility to generate json files, where braces always start in a new line.

For Instance, the json hash:

my_json = {"Key" => {"Key" => "Value"}}

leads after the call of



  "Key": {
    "Key": "Value"

But unfortunately I need an output like this:

    "Key": "Value"

Is there any way to this with ruby without destroying the pretty formatting?



  • Should you desire this difference in output, why don't you force it? As per my comment:

    UPDATED to cover both { and [ bracket

    my_json = {"Keys" => [{"Key" => "Value"},{"key1" => "val2"}], "newkey" => {"nk1" => "val3"}}
    puts JSON::pretty_generate(my_json).gsub(
               /^(.*)(\"[^\"]+\"): ([\{\[])/, #first brackets: white space. Second: Key, Third: Bracket
               "\\1\\2:\n\\1\\3")             #\\1: white space (on both lines), \\2: Key, \\3: Brac[e|ket]
          "Key": "Value"
          "key1": "val2"
        "nk1": "val3"