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Autoprefixer hell - Rails

So, I'm trying to precompile my assets in Ruby on Rails, but every time I do it gives me:
autoprefixer: /Desktop/Job/RailsApp/app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss:32473:3: Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is liketo leftinstead ofright.

Now, I understand that the linear-gradientnew syntax should be like it says, "to left" instead of "right". And if it's "top" then it should be "to bottom". I've gone through all of my css files and changed all of those lines of code to conform to the syntax.

But, I'm still getting that "error"? Which seems to be slowing down my page loading on my web-rails/app.

More or less, my question is if anyone knows how to fix this?
Also, is there any way for me to look at the application.scss and decifer the ":32473:3"? I've looked in that file and formatted the code for scss, but when I look at the 32,473rd line there isn't any "linear-gradient" there...

I have a mix of scss and css files, I don't know if that makes a difference when precompiling?

I'm using:
Rails 4.2.6
ruby 2.2.3p173


  • Seems to have something to do with the 'config.assets.css_compressor = :sass' setting in the production.rb environment. As soon as I commented that out, it works without giving that error and speeds up the load times for all the pages.