I have the following two dataframes that I have set date to DatetimeIndex df.set_index(pd.to_datetime(df['date']), inplace=True)
and would like to merge or join on date:
catcode_amt type feccandid_amt amount
1915-12-31 A5000 24K H6TX08100 1000
1916-12-31 T6100 24K H8CA52052 500
1954-12-31 H3100 24K S8AK00090 1000
1985-12-31 J7120 24E H8OH18088 36
1997-12-31 z9600 24K S6ND00058 2000
catcode_disp disposition feccandid_disp bills
2007-12-31 A0000 support S4HI00011 1
2007-12-31 A1000 oppose S4IA00020', 'P20000741 1
2007-12-31 A1000 support S8MT00010 1
2007-12-31 A1500 support S6WI00061 2
2007-12-31 A1600 support S4IA00020', 'P20000741 3
I have tried the following two methods but both return a MemoryError:
df.join(d, how='right')
I use the code below on dataframes that don't have date set to index.
merge=pd.merge(df,d, how='inner', on='date')
You can add parameters left_index=True
and right_index=True
if you need merge by indexes in function merge
merge=pd.merge(df,d, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True)
Sample (first value of index in d
was changed for matching):
print df
catcode_amt type feccandid_amt amount
1915-12-31 A5000 24K H6TX08100 1000
1916-12-31 T6100 24K H8CA52052 500
1954-12-31 H3100 24K S8AK00090 1000
1985-12-31 J7120 24E H8OH18088 36
1997-12-31 z9600 24K S6ND00058 2000
print d
catcode_disp disposition feccandid_disp bills
1997-12-31 A0000 support S4HI00011 1.0
2007-12-31 A1000 oppose S4IA00020', 'P20000741 1 NaN
2007-12-31 A1000 support S8MT00010 1.0
2007-12-31 A1500 support S6WI00061 2.0
2007-12-31 A1600 support S4IA00020', 'P20000741 3 NaN
merge=pd.merge(df,d, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True)
print merge
catcode_amt type feccandid_amt amount catcode_disp disposition \
1997-12-31 z9600 24K S6ND00058 2000 A0000 support
feccandid_disp bills
1997-12-31 S4HI00011 1.0
Or you can use concat
print pd.concat([df,d], join='inner', axis=1)
1997-12-31 z9600 24K S6ND00058 2000 A0000 support
feccandid_disp bills
1997-12-31 S4HI00011 1.0
EDIT: EdChum is right:
I add duplicates to DataFrame df
(last 2 values in index):
print df
catcode_amt type feccandid_amt amount
1915-12-31 A5000 24K H6TX08100 1000
1916-12-31 T6100 24K H8CA52052 500
1954-12-31 H3100 24K S8AK00090 1000
2007-12-31 J7120 24E H8OH18088 36
2007-12-31 z9600 24K S6ND00058 2000
print d
catcode_disp disposition feccandid_disp bills
1997-12-31 A0000 support S4HI00011 1.0
2007-12-31 A1000 oppose S4IA00020', 'P20000741 1 NaN
2007-12-31 A1000 support S8MT00010 1.0
2007-12-31 A1500 support S6WI00061 2.0
2007-12-31 A1600 support S4IA00020', 'P20000741 3 NaN
merge=pd.merge(df,d, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True)
print merge
catcode_amt type feccandid_amt amount catcode_disp disposition \
2007-12-31 J7120 24E H8OH18088 36 A1000 oppose
2007-12-31 J7120 24E H8OH18088 36 A1000 support
2007-12-31 J7120 24E H8OH18088 36 A1500 support
2007-12-31 J7120 24E H8OH18088 36 A1600 support
2007-12-31 z9600 24K S6ND00058 2000 A1000 oppose
2007-12-31 z9600 24K S6ND00058 2000 A1000 support
2007-12-31 z9600 24K S6ND00058 2000 A1500 support
2007-12-31 z9600 24K S6ND00058 2000 A1600 support
feccandid_disp bills
2007-12-31 S4IA00020', 'P20000741 1 NaN
2007-12-31 S8MT00010 1.0
2007-12-31 S6WI00061 2.0
2007-12-31 S4IA00020', 'P20000741 3 NaN
2007-12-31 S4IA00020', 'P20000741 1 NaN
2007-12-31 S8MT00010 1.0
2007-12-31 S6WI00061 2.0
2007-12-31 S4IA00020', 'P20000741 3 NaN