Is there a way we can monitor bolt specific metrics in ambari? Here is what i have tried. I was able to publish a sample metric with the help of Can we see this metric in ambari?
In HDFS metrics, we can add widget for HDFS/Hbase metrics for DataNode/NameNode which contain all the default metrics. Is it possible to have some custom metrics in this list such as a counter in one of the bolt in topology.
To be able to use metrics in Ambari Widgets you must tell ambari about them by adding them to a metrics.json file. Each service managed by ambari has a corresponding metrics.json file. For instance here is the metrics.json file for the HBase service.
Determine which service is responsible for the metric you wish to add then modify that services metrics.json file to include it. You then must restart ambari-server for the changes to be picked up. You can then use the metric in any widget you desire.
Another configuration file that Ambari uses is the widgets.json file. It sits in the same directory as the metrics.json file. Some services do not have a widgets.json file defined and thus will not be able to add widgets using the services dashboard. Storm is one of these services. You can define a widgets.json for Storm and add it to the service. See the Ambari documentation on Widget Operations for more details.