Is there a Wakanda way to:
I will answer the questions one by one :
This should be done using your OS' firewall (using iptables for instance if you are on Linux)
If you restrict access to the app using the firewall, you might not need to do this. But if you really need to :
Today there is no good way to do this, because you can't disable the authentication REST API. The workaround I propose is as follows (but I don't think it will work if you are using active directory ):
Add a custom request handler for authentication /login
where you do something like :
function login(request,response){
var ip = request.remoteAddress;
if( ! isIPAuthorized(ip)){
response.statusCode = 403;
sessionStorage["login-request"] = true;
* Your login code here
* For instance you can use loginByPassword, createUserSession ..
sessionStorage["login-request"] = false;
Inside your Login Listener
you can check if the login request came from you custom login function or not by checking the sessionStorage
return {
"error" : 1024,
"errorMessage" : "Unautorized Login Attempt"
This way any login attempt using the default REST authentication API where IPs are not checked will be refused.