I have a database table which contains receipt images, encoded into BLOB data in PHP. The table has the following columns and data:
id | ownerid | file | filename | size | type | fileerror
1644 | 9 | BLOB | 2014-03-0714.30.jpg | 996379 | image/jpeg | NULL
The file type was captured on original upload via a webform using one of either iMagick or GD, converted to a blob, and stored in the database.
The schema may have been converted from MyISAM to InnoDB at some point. The encoding may have been converted from Latin1 to UTF8-unicode-ci at some point. It may also have always been set thus.
I have subsequently tried all of the methods of converting the BLOB back to an image I can think of, however I never end up with an image.
I've tried using Imagick::readImageBlob($myBlob)
and ended up with a big fat file which doesn't want to be an image, and I've tried using imagecreatefromstring($myBlob)
I'm using file_put_contents()
to save the file.
I gather BLOBs are binary, and should stay binary, and the encoding should not effect them... however I cannot get my blobs to be pictures anymore.
How can I figure out if:
I just tried saving the blob straight to a file from mysql workbench, and that didn't help either.
Edit: A little taste of blob (taken from the file I dumped, via chrome)
Based on the BLOB data you posted, the file magic number /9j/4
is jpeg;base64, so this should get part of the way there:
$data = base64_decode($data)
file_put_contents('2014-03-0714.30.jpg', $data);
The data looks like a JPEG:
╪ α\0►JFIF\0☺☺☺\0`\0`\0\0 ß\0≥Exif\0\0MM\0*\0\0\\0♀☺\0\0♥\0\0\0☺ É\0\0☺☺\0♥\0\0\0☺,\0\0☺☼\0☻\ 0\0\0♦
However the slashes \
look suspect so the data may have been escaped before being encoded, so try:
$data = stripslashes(base64_decode($data));
Which looks better:
╪ α ►JFIF ☺☺☺ ` ` ß ≥Exif MM * ♀☺ ♥ ☺ É ☺☺ ♥ ☺, ☺☼ ☻ ♦
And for comparison, similar to Wikipedia's Stonehenge:
╪ α ►JFIF ☺☻☺ x x ß▬Exif MM * ☺↕ ♥ ☺☺ ☺→♣ ☺ b☺←♣ ☺j☺(♥ ☺☻ ☺1