I am using a rake task and the csv module to loop through one csv, extract and alter the data I need and then append each new row of data to a second csv. However each row seems to be overwriting/replacing the previous row in the new csv instead of appending it as a new row after it. I've looked at the documentation and googled but can't find any examples of appending rows to the csv differently.
require 'csv'
namespace :replace do
desc "replace variant id with variant sku"
task :sku => :environment do
CSV.foreach(file) do |row|
msku, namespace, key, valueType, value = row
valueArray = value.split('|')
newValueString = ""
valueArray.each_with_index do |v, index|
recArray = v.split('*')
handle = recArray[0]
vid = recArray[1]
newValueString << handle
newValueString << "*"
variant = ShopifyAPI::Variant.find(vid)
newValueString << variant.sku
#end of value save the newvaluestring to new csv
newFile = Rails.root.join('lib/assets', 'newFile.csv')
CSV.open(newFile, "wb") do |csv|
csv << [newValueString]
Your mode when opneing the file is wrong and should be a+
. See details in the docs: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.4/IO.html#method-c-new
Also, you might want to open that file just once and not with every line.