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How do I add a URL inside the field option in a Slack attachment?

I am trying to send notifications into the Slack channel from the external source. I am trying to put the URL link inside field tag of attachment. Is there a way to do that?

    "attachments": [
            "fallback": "Required plain-text summary of the attachment.",

            "color": "#36a64f",

            "pretext": "Optional text that appears above the attachment block",

            "author_name": "Bobby Tables",
            "author_link": "",
            "author_icon": "",

            "title": "Slack API Documentation",
            "title_link": "",

            "text": "Optional text that appears within the attachment",

            "fields": [
                    "title": "Priority",
                    "value": "High",
                    "short": false

            "image_url": "",
            "thumb_url": ""


  • Yes, you can use URLs in fields. But it only works in the value tag. There you can even use markup.

    Here is an example in PHP:

    $slack->addAttachment( array (
        "fallback" => "Fallback",
        "title" => "Title",
        "text" => "text",
        "fields" => array (
            array (
                "title" => "Priority",
                "value" => "<|test>",
                "short" => false