Am trying to get mailjet statistics using this code:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \Mailjet\Resources;
$mj = new \Mailjet\Client('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx','xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
$body = [
'EventType' => "unsub",
'Url' => ""];
$response = $mj->post(Resources::$Eventcallbackurl, ['body' => $body]);
so that's code returns the following error:
MJ18 A EventCallbackURL resource with value "5|false" for EventType|Backup already exists.
Well, i may not understand your question as well, but may this help :
$filters = array('CustomID' => 'the custom id when creating a capmaign');
$response = $mj->get(Resources::$Messagesentstatistics, array('filters' => $filters))