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Hyperic HQ 4.6.6 server is configured to run on wrong domain name

After successfull installation of Hyperic on Linux I receive an information message with the following:

Once the HQ server reports that it has successfully started, you can log in to your HQ server at: http://<some-domain-name>:7080/ username:hqadmin password:hqadmin

Problem is that I can't access Hyperic via real IP. Also it is not possible to access it with some-domain-name as it is not really configured to be reached through remote machine (I guess that some-domain-name is taken from some settings in Linux during Hyperic installation).

So, my question: is it possible somehow to configure Hyperic to be accessed with the IP?

Thanks in advance.


  • As it appeared, Hyperic HQ server should be started under non-root user (eg - hyperic) like this:

    sudo -u hyperic ./ start

    Hyperic HQ could be reached at http://<some-domain-name>:7080/ after that. So, domain name instead of IP was not a real issue in that case.