I first used the following link to create a new Keystone app from Heroku:
Then I wanted to clone it to my local repo:
➜ Nodejs heroku git:clone -a yellowkorner
Cloning from app 'yellowkorner'... Cloning into 'yellowkorner'... warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. Checking connectivity... done
But when I cd
into the folder it's an empty repo, however the app is live online and working fine. Confused! Please help. Thanks
Check the remote repo url of your local clone:
cd /path/to/local/cloned/repo
git remote -v
I suspect it references a fork of https://github.com/JedWatson/keystone-starter, meaning a repo in your GitHub account.
In that case, any fork done by heroku seems to be empty by default.
See this answer to populate its content.