First i want to say that this code with server/client works fine on my PC (both client and server running on the same PC)
Problem starts when i host the Server on dedicated server. The second time i try to Send or Receive with client, the client will take A LOT OF TIME to complete the operation (talking about receiving 1 byte of data that takes more then 1 hour !)
** I can avoid this problem by simply disconnecting and connecting the socket again after each Send/Receive command
I dont understand why it takes so many time if i will do more then 1 Send/Receive operation within the same connection session.
Here is an example:
to connect the server:
RC_Server = new SocketConnection_Client(RC_IpEndPoint);
now client is connected to server, and i can start send / receive normally.
First time that i try to send or receive it works perfectly and fast (regardless of buffer length).
RC_Server.sendCompleted = false;
RC_Server.Send(buffer); //in this case buffer size is 1024
while (!RC_Server.sendCompleted) { } //here thread is waiting for the send to complete
now, if i want to start a Receive session with server
RC_Server.receiveCompleted = false;
RC_Server.Receive(buffer.Length); //in this case byffer needs to get 4 bytes from server
while (!RC_Server.receiveCompleted) { } // <<- Here it will take VERY long time for the operation to complete
buffer = RC_Server.buffer;
The second Receive operation never get to the socket_receiveCompleted_Completed event.
But.. if i will close the connection with server after the first Send/Receive session, and then open a new connection with server and then do the next Send/Receive session, then everything would work perfectly. (and duplicate this method multiple times for multiple Send/Receive)
And again, the problem does not occur in my workstation (if i run server and client in same PC). it Only happens if i host the server on a remote host.
Here is part of my Socket Class:
class SocketConnection_Client
public string errorMsg = string.Empty;
public bool receiveCompleted = false;
public bool sendCompleted = false;
int bytesReceived = 0;
public byte[] buffer;
Socket socket;
public SocketConnection_Client(IPEndPoint ipEP)
socket = new Socket(ipEP.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
catch (Exception ex)
errorMsg = ex.Message;
socket = null;
public void Send(byte[] sBuffer)
buffer = null;
if (socket == null)
sendCompleted = true;
sendCompleted = false;
SocketAsyncEventArgs socket_sendCompleted = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
socket_sendCompleted.SetBuffer(sBuffer, 0, sBuffer.Length);
socket_sendCompleted.Completed += socket_sendCompleted_Completed;
void socket_sendCompleted_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
sendCompleted = true;
public void Receive(int bLength)
bytesReceived = 0;
buffer = null;
if (socket == null)
receiveCompleted = true;
receiveCompleted = false;
buffer = new byte[bLength];
SocketAsyncEventArgs socket_receiveCompleted = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
socket_receiveCompleted.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
socket_receiveCompleted.Completed += socket_receiveCompleted_Completed;
private void Receive_Continue()
SocketAsyncEventArgs socket_receiveCompleted = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
socket_receiveCompleted.SetBuffer(buffer, bytesReceived, buffer.Length - bytesReceived);
socket_receiveCompleted.Completed += socket_receiveCompleted_Completed;
void socket_receiveCompleted_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
bytesReceived += e.BytesTransferred;
if (e.BytesTransferred == 0 && bytesReceived == 0)
socket = null;
receiveCompleted = true;
throw new Exception("Server Disconnected");
else if (bytesReceived != buffer.Length)
receiveCompleted = true;
Appreciated. Thanks.
You're ignoring the return value from ReceiveAsync
. Pay attention to the documentation -- there are two possible behaviors and you must check the return value to distinguish them:
Returns true if the I/O operation is pending. The
event on thee
parameter will be raised upon completion of the operation.Returns false if the I/O operation completed synchronously. In this case, the
event on thee
parameter will not be raised and thee
object passed as a parameter may be examined immediately after the method call returns to retrieve the result of the operation.