I have Non-linear Fitting function like:
prate ~ (m1-((m1-m2)/(1+(IC50/(conc)))))
And a table:
[I] (µM) Max polymerization rate
25.00 3.08
12.50 3.30
6.13 4.44
and IC50 = 1.87
I want to create a function like the one above and use this data to make a plot. Is that possible?
This might help you get started.
You need to define your function using handles. Say you have a variable PolymerRate you want to estimate and conc as input variable, I think in your case would be something like:
IC50 = 1.87;
prate = @(m,conc) (m(1)-((m(1)-m(2))/(1+(IC50/(conc)))));
m0 = [1 1];
[m,resnorm,~,exitflag,output] = lsqcurvefit(F,m0,conc,PolymerRate);
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