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How to use the cancelEl in a Backbone Modal?

I'm currently using this plugin for a modal:

It comes with a cancelEl method to close the modal, and I am using it like so:

  var ActionModal = Backbone.Modal.extend({
    template: '#actionable-modal-template',
    cancelEl: '.bbm-btn-close'

And here is what I am trying to do, written in pseudo code:

if (cancelEl.invoked) {
  // Do something

The psuedo code is based on the assumption that cancelEl causes clicking the backdrop of the modal, as well as the button, to close the modal.

How can I use the cancelEl method?



  • You can implement beforeCancel or cancel

      var ActionModal = Backbone.Modal.extend({
        template: '#actionable-modal-template',
        cancelEl: '.bbm-btn-close',
        beforeCancel: function() {
           // stuff

    Looking at the source code, beforeCancel can be used to cancel the modal close:

    if (this.beforeCancel) {
      if (this.beforeCancel() === false) {

    And cancel can be used to implement more functionality:

    if (typeof this.cancel === "function") {