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AngularJS optional ng-transclude

I have written a custom directive called 'news' in AngularJS 1.5.

It's layout is as follows:

<div class="row">
    <div class="largeText shadow1" ng-transclude="heading"></div>
    <div class="mediumText shadow2" ng-transclude="content"></div>

The JavaScript file of this directive is as follows:

return {           
    restrict: 'E',
    transclude: {
      'heading': 'heading',
      'content': 'content'
    scope: {
        //Some parameters here
    templateUrl: '/directives/news.html'

As you see, my news directive has two children, called heading and content fields. It can be used as follows:

        //Any content goes here
        //Any content goes here

So far, the directive works fine. I mean, as long as heading and content sections are filled with some content, the directive shows them as expected. However, I am trying to make these transclusion slots not mandatory. Whenever I use the directive as:


AngularJS throws an error saying that I have not filled the content slot. Is it ever possible to make these slots optional?


  • I can't really find where it is in the actual documentation, but based on an example I saw, I believe that you can use a ? before the value to make the slot optional.


    transclude: {
      'heading': 'heading',
      'content': '?content'

    This comes from the example in angular docs at It is in the app.js.

    You can also add a default for the cases where the slot is optional, by doing something like this:

    <div class="largeText shadow1" ng-transclude="heading">Default stuff for the slot goes here</div>

    Edit: actually I found it in the documentation. It says in this section$compile#transclusion:

    If the element selector is prefixed with a ? then that slot is optional. For example, the transclude object { slotA: '?myCustomElement' } maps <my-custom-element> elements to the slotA slot, which can be accessed via the $transclude function or via the ngTransclude directive.