I'm struggling to compute the response hash based on the CHAP ID + Plaintext Password + Challenge Hash.
Following is my code thus far :
def computeResponse(id_hex,password, challenge):
#id_hex_result = id_hex.encode("hex")
result = id_hex+password+challenge
print result
response = hashlib.md5(result).hexdigest()
print "Generated: ",response
print "Captured : ef53ae181830c4822f14ca826054cc8c"
The response generated was different as shown below the results :
Generated: e6d0a07960e4d15153caf37fd06cdc8e
Captured : ef53ae181830c4822f14ca826054cc8c
Generated hash is the response computed by the program while the Captured hash is the actual response hash captured during authentication between HQ and Freeradius.
Am i doing it wrongly here ? The CHAP Id captured was "0x01" which yields the hexadecimal value of 1.
Your password is already in binary form.
Try the following:
Just binascii.unhexlify the id_hex and challenge and you will get what you need.
def computeResponse(id_hex,password, challenge):
id_hex = binascii.unhexlify(id_hex)
challenge = binascii.unhexlify(challenge)
result = id_hex+password+challenge
print result
response = hashlib.md5(result).hexdigest()