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Birt Report and Date Parameter between current year and previous year

I am using the following query that was suggested to me by a fellow from stackoverflow. The following query is using the dates in order to bring the current year (>2016,<2017) and the previous year (>2015, <2016). I want to use this in a Birt report - and particularly prompt the user to select the date (by default the current date will be selected) and automatically the query will subtract a year in order to calculate the current year's results and the previous year's results. Here's the code given to me

SELECT grade,
       COUNT( DISTINCT CASE WHEN DATE '2015-01-01' >= date_column
                             AND date_column < DATE '2016-01-01'
                            THEN customer_id END
            ) AS number_of_unique_customers_in_2015,
       COUNT( DISTINCT CASE WHEN DATE '2016-01-01' >= date_column
                             AND date_column < DATE '2017-01-01'
                            THEN customer_id END
            ) AS number_of_unique_customers_in_2016
FROM   Customers
WHERE  Date_Column >= DATE '2015-01-01'
AND    Date_Column <  DATE '2017-01-01'
GROUP BY grade;

Can anyone suggest how to do this in the birt report?


  • Have a look at my answer here to see how to add parameters to a SQL query in Birt. You should add your Report Parameter to input the date from the user first.

    To substract a year from the input parameter you should use DATEADD with a negative value for one year inside your SQL query where you add the parameter.

    your query should look like this for the Input-Parameter date 2016-01-01:

    SELECT grade,
           COUNT( DISTINCT CASE WHEN DATEADD(year, -1, ?) >= date_column
                                 AND date_column < ?
                                THEN customer_id END
                ) AS number_of_unique_customers_in_last_year,
           COUNT( DISTINCT CASE WHEN ? >= date_column
                                 AND date_column < DATEADD(year, 1, ?)
                                THEN customer_id END
                ) AS number_of_unique_customers_in_current_year
    FROM   Customers
    WHERE  Date_Column >= DATEADD(year, -1, ?)
    AND    Date_Column <  DATEADD(year, 1, ?)
    GROUP BY grade;