Cant seem to follow the tutorials for building apps with Mobile first and cordova. i used mfp cordova create to create an app and named it Idealaketest.
Enter name of app: Idealaketest
Enter the package ID:
have progressed on as far as the code below. Please help with a workaround or a link to a page with appropriate tuts. I'm following this at the moment.
D:\Mobilefirst_workspaces\workspace3>mfp cordova create
? Enter name of app: Idealaketest
? Enter the package ID:
? Enter the app version: 1.0.0
? Select platforms to be supported by your app: android
? The following plugins will be automatically added to your app:
Please press enter to continue...
? Select additional plugins you would like to add:
? Enter a path to an app template to be added: cordova-hello-world-mfp
Embedded Cordova Command: cordova create "Idealaketest" "" "
Idealaketest" --copy-from="C:\Program Files\IBM\MobileFirst-CLI\mobilefirst-cli\
Adding android project...
Creating Cordova project for the Android platform:
Path: platforms\android
Name: Idealaketest
Android target: android-22
Copying template files...
Project successfully created.
Adding "cordova-plugin-mfp"
Installing "cordova-plugin-mfp" for android
Installing "org.apache.cordova.device" for android
Installing "org.apache.cordova.dialogs" for android
Installing "org.apache.cordova.geolocation" for android
Installing "org.apache.cordova.globalization" for android
Installing "org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser" for android
Installing "" for android
Plugin install completed was renamed to MainActivity.original, if you made manual changes
to, you need to merge them with the current main activity file,, in /platforms/android/src/[package_path]
Plugin "cordova-plugin-mfp" added successfully.
Preparing for push...
MFP App settings not found, configuring..
Embedded Cordova Command: cordova prepare android
st-android-1.0.0.wlapp has been built.
Push Completed Successfully.
MFP Cordova project created successfully.
D:\Mobilefirst_workspaces\workspace3>mfp start
Cannot find the server configuration. Creating a new MobileFirst test server.
The development server is being created.
The development server has been successfully created with the following informat
Server Directory: C:/Users/guest/.ibm/mobilefirst/
URL: http://localhost:10080/
Error: You must be in a MobileFirst project to execute this command.
D:\Mobilefirst_workspaces\workspace3>cd Idealaketest
D:\Mobilefirst_workspaces\workspace3\Idealaketest>mfp start
Error: You must be in a MobileFirst project to execute this command.
D:\Mobilefirst_workspaces\workspace3\Idealaketest>mfp cordova preview
? Select how to preview your app: browser: Simple browser rendering
Preparing for push...
Verifying Server Configuration...
Error: There are no runtimes available on this server.
Run 'mfp help intro' for guidance.
Error: error code: 305
Error: There was an error with the server.
Error: Push has failed
You didn't a project...
Create the project:
mfp create myproj
cd myproj
mfp start
Create the Cordova project:
cd ..
mfp cordova create myapp
cd myapp
mfp cordova platform add android
mfp push
mfp cordova run