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conduit: producing memory leak

Working on some observations on a previous question (haskell-data-hashset-from-unordered-container-performance-for-large-sets) I stumbled upon a strange memory leak

module Main where

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (sepBy, Parser)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (decimal, char)
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Attoparsec as CA
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL

main :: IO ()
main = do (args:_) <- getArgs
          writeFile "input.txt" $ unlines $ map show [1..4 :: Int]
          case args of "list" -> m1
                       "fail" -> m2
                       "listlist" -> m3
                       "memoryleak" -> m4
                       "bs-lines":_ -> m5
                       "bs":_ -> m6
                       _ -> putStr $ unlines ["Usage: conduit list"
                                             ,"               fail"
                                             ,"               listlist"
                                             ,"               memoryleak"
                                             ,"               bs-lines"
                                             ,"               bs"
m1,m2,m3,m4 :: IO ()
m1 = do hs <- runResourceT
            $  CB.sourceFile "input.txt"
            $$ CB.lines
           =$= CA.conduitParser (decimal :: Parser Int)
           =$= snd
           =$= CL.consume
        print hs
m2 = do hs <- runResourceT
            $  CB.sourceFile "input.txt"
            $$ CA.conduitParser (decimal :: Parser Int)
           =$= snd
           =$= CL.consume
        print hs
m3 = do hs <- runResourceT
            $  CB.sourceFile "input.txt"
            $$ CB.lines
           =$= CA.conduitParser (decimal `sepBy` (char '\n') :: Parser [Int])
           =$= snd
           =$= CL.consume
        print hs
m4 = do hs <- runResourceT
            $  CB.sourceFile "input.txt"
            $$ CA.conduitParser (decimal `sepBy` (char '\n') :: Parser [Int])
           =$= snd
           =$= CL.consume
        print hs
m5 = do inpt <- BS.lines <$> BS.readFile "input.txt"
        let Right hs =  mapM (parseOnly (decimal :: Parser Int)) inpt
        print hs
m6 = do inpt <- BS.readFile "input.txt"
        let Right hs =  (parseOnly (decimal `sepBy` (char '\n') :: Parser [Int])) inpt
        print hs

Here is some example output:

$ > stack exec -- example list
$ > stack exec -- example listlist
$ > stack exec -- conduit fail
conduit: ParseError {errorContexts = [], errorMessage = "Failed reading: takeWhile1", errorPosition = 1:2}
$ > stack exec -- example memoryleak

$ > stack exec -- example bs-lines
$ > stack exec -- example bs

Now the questions I have is:

  • Why is m1 not producing [1,2,3,4]?
  • Why is m2 failing?
  • Why is m4 behaving totally different compared to all other versions and producing a space leak?


  • Why is m2 failing?

    The input file as a character stream is:


    Since the decimal parser do not expect a newline character, after consuming the first number the remaining stream is:


    As the input stream is not exhausted, conduitParser will run the parser on the stream again, this time it cannot even consume the first character so it failed.

    Why is m4 behaving totally different compared to all other versions and producing a space leak?

    decimal `sepBy` (char '\n') will only consume \n between two integers, after successfully parsed four numbers, the input stream has only one character in it:


    and decimal `sepBy` (char '\n') cannot consume it, even worse it will not fail: sepBy can consume nothing and return empty list. Therefore it parse nothing infinitely and never terminate.

    Why is m1 not producing [1,2,3,4]?

    I want to know it too! I guess it has something to do with fusing, maybe you should contact the author of conduit package, who just commented your question.