I am working on a query and created a function to fetch result from outcomes
table susing the following code.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Shippad (@tbl NVARCHAR(30))
SELECT LEFT(ship, Charindex(' ', ship) - 1) + ' '
+ Replicate('*', Charindex(' ', Substring(ship, Charindex(' ', ship) + 1, Len(ship))) + 1 -2)
+ ' '
+ Reverse(LEFT(Reverse(ship), Charindex(' ', Reverse(ship)) - 1)) as final_work
FROM outcomes
WHERE Charindex(' ', Substring(ship, Charindex(' ', ship) + 1, Len(ship))) > 1
The problem of the above code is that it doesn't matter what parameter I entered during the execution, it always gives the result as long as the parameter I entered is a valid table name in the database.
Right now I am wondering if I could create a parameter to enter a table name into FROM
part, that way only when I enter outcomes
it would display the result.
I tried to declare a table variable using the following code:
declare @ship_outcome table
( final_work nvarchar(30)
insert into @ship_outcome (final_work)
left(ship, charindex(' ', ship) - 1) + ' ' +
replicate('*', charindex(' ', substring(ship, charindex(' ', ship) + 1, len(ship))) + 1 -2) + ' ' +
reverse(left(reverse(ship), charindex(' ', reverse(ship)) - 1))
from outcomes
where charindex(' ', substring(ship, charindex(' ', ship) + 1, len(ship))) > 1;
select * from @ship_outcome
However I am not sure how to consolidate the table variable into the UDF. Please help.
You can also achieve the result using IF statement in Multi statement table valued function like mentioned below : -
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Shippad (@tbl NVARCHAR(30))
RETURNS @t table
(final_work nvarchar(30))
if @tbl = 'outcomes'
Insert into @t
SELECT LEFT(ship, Charindex(' ', ship) - 1) + ' '
+ Replicate('*', Charindex(' ', Substring(ship, Charindex(' ', ship) + 1, Len(ship))) + 1 -2)
+ ' '
+ Reverse(LEFT(Reverse(ship), Charindex(' ', Reverse(ship)) - 1)) as final_work
FROM outcomes
WHERE Charindex(' ', Substring(ship, Charindex(' ', ship) + 1, Len(ship))) > 1
Note - Performance of Multi statement table value function is horrible for large records. It is advisable to use Inline function by using @tbl = 'outcomes' in where clause in inline table value function like -
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Shippad (@tbl NVARCHAR(30))
SELECT LEFT(ship, Charindex(' ', ship) - 1) + ' '
+ Replicate('*', Charindex(' ', Substring(ship, Charindex(' ', ship) + 1, Len(ship))) + 1 -2)
+ ' '
+ Reverse(LEFT(Reverse(ship), Charindex(' ', Reverse(ship)) - 1)) as final_work
FROM outcomes
WHERE Charindex(' ', Substring(ship, Charindex(' ', ship) + 1, Len(ship))) > 1 and @tbl = 'outcomes'