I created a custom datetimefilter
in flask admin and it looks good(able to select the datetime range) in the UI, but not working in functionality. I think the apply method is not working. The table which i'm going to apply this filter is in Cassandra
from flask_admin.contrib.sqla.filters import BaseSQLAFilter
from flask_admin.model import filters
class DateBetweenFilter(BaseSQLAFilter, filters.BaseDateBetweenFilter):
def __init__(self, column, name, options=None, data_type=None):
super(DateBetweenFilter, self).__init__(column,
def apply(self, query, value, alias=None):
start, end = value
return query.filter(self.get_column(alias).between(start, end))
and the corresponding Admin class that uses the filter
class SearchAdminView(BaseModelView):
column_filters = [
Search.created_date, 'Created Date'
what I'm missing?
You may missed to add the code that invokes the apply() for the filters defined in the admin class in the get_list() method.
Try to add the below code in your get_list() method.
def get_list(self, page, sort_column, sort_desc, search, filters,
execute=True, page_size=None):
Get list of objects
query = self.get_query(page, page_size)
for flt, k, value in filters:
query = self._filters[flt].apply(query, value, page_size)