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Create project and its own sln file within multiple project solution

We have a large server-side C# solution at work. It has multiple projects, each with its own sln file on the first layer of the application's directory. It also has a general all.sln which contains all the projects.

I have added a new project which builds successfully, but a sln file for this individual project has not been created. How can I create it in VS 2013, so it appears alongside the other sln files?

Any help at all would be appreciated. I need to do this so that the BAT file we're using has a sln file it can use.


  • You should create an empty solution, save it at the proper location with the proper name, and add the desired project to it.

    To create the empty solution:

    File > New Project >
        Other Project Types > Visual Studio Solutions > 
            Blank Solution