I'm learning to make GUI using python 2.7 together with Glade to make the task easier. I use PyCharm in a Windows 7 machine. I'm following a tutorial to make a simple window (link). The tutorial is the number 2 and is divided in part A and B. In A it shows how work in Glade environment and in B it shows how use python to access .glade file and show the simple interface. I complete the tutorial 1 without any problem.
Here is a image of my code and the error I get.Print from screenApparently the issue is a bug in Glade, the error message occurs due the line 175 in XML file generated by the Glade. This line disable a small separation between two boxes in the "About window", when I manually enable this separation in Glade, the line disapper and the program work's fine. Instead of do this, when I delete the line 175 directly in the XML file generated , the program also works fine. Except by a warning message when the "About window" is opened. But doesn't seem to interfere in the code's functionality.