Search code examples

Doctrine FIND_IN_SET leads to Error: Expected end of string, got '('

I've got the following doctrine query in Symfony2:

$query = $em
        SELECT m FROM MyBackendBundle:Merchant m
        WHERE = :active
        ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(m.range, 'all', 'without_special'), m.tradingAmount DESC
    ->setParameter('active', true)

But this leads to the following error:

[Syntax Error] line 0, col 112: Error: Expected end of string, got '('


SELECT m FROM My\Bundle\BackendBundle\Entity\Merchant m 
WHERE = :active 
ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(m.range, 'all', 'without_special') ASC, m.tradingAmount DESC

I use the FIND_IN_SET doctrine extension from beberlei to be able to use it in the query.

Any ideas why this happens?


Using the FIND_IN_SET in the SELECT as an alias this way:

SELECT m, FIND_IN_SET(m.range, 'all', 'without_special') AS HIDDEN findInSet
FROM MyBackendBundle:Merchant 
WHERE = :active
ORDER BY findInSet, m.productAmount DESC

results in the following error:

[Syntax Error] line 0, col 56: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, got ','


  • Thanks to the comments of @qooplmao this is the working version:

    $query = $em
            SELECT m, FIND_IN_SET(m.range, 'all,without_special') AS rangeOrdering
            FROM MyBackendBundle:Merchant m
            WHERE = :active
            ORDER BY rangeOrdering, m.tradingAmount DESC
        ->setParameter('active', true)

    FIND_IN_SET has only two parameters and has to be within the SELECT part of the query as functions can't be used in the ORDER BY part of the query.