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call a component from another component in vue.js

I have an alert component like in this video: And I have another component (Book). When a book was created how can I call Alert component in the success callback function like this:

<alert>A book was created successfully !!!</alert>

I am a newbie in using vue.js. Thank you for your help.

Updated: This is my code

submit: function () {
    this.$'/api/books/add', {
    }).then(function (response) {
        // I want to use Alert component right here to notice to users.
    }, function (response) {

Update 2: Alert Component

    <div class="Alert Alert--{{ type | capitalize }}"

        <span class="Alert__close"
              @click="show = false"


    export default {
        props: {
            type: { default: 'info' },
            timeout: { default: 3000 },
            important: {
                type: Boolean,
                default: false

        data() {
            return {show: true};

        ready() {
            if (!this.important)
                    () => = false,



    .Alert {
        padding: 10px;
        position: relative;

    .Alert__close {
        position: absolute;
        top: 10px;
        right: 10px;
        cursor: pointer;

    .Alert--Info {
        background: #e3e3e3;

    .fade-transition {
        transition: opacity 1s ease;

    .fade-leave {
        opacity: 0;

And in Book.vue I want to do like this:

// resources/assets/js/components/Book.vue
    <alert>A book was created successfully !!!</alert>

    //Create book form

    export default {
        methods: {
            submit: function () {
                    this.$'/api/books/add', {
                }).then(function (response) {
                }, function (response) {


  • this JSfiddle does what you're looking for:

    I used a button press rather than a server response to trigger the alert, and changed a few method names, but principle is the same.

    The alert component is nested inside the button component. Button passes a showalert prop to the alert component with the sync modifier set.

     <alert :showalert.sync="showalert" type="default" :important="true">A book was saved successfully</alert>

    Press the button, showalert is set to 'true', 'true' passed to alert as prop, alert displays as v-show condition is now true,

    data() {
              //by default we're not showing alert.
              //will pass to alert as a prop when button pressed
              //or when response from server in your case
              return {
                showalert: false

    a watch on the showalert prop in alert component sees a change and triggers a method that sets showalert back to 'false' after whatever many seconds set in timeout property.

                //this method is triggered by 'watch', below
                //when 'showalert' value changes it sets the timeout
                methods: {
                  triggerTimeout: function() {
                    //don't run when detect change to false
                    if (this.showalert === true) {
                        () => this.showalert = false,
                watch: {
                  // detect showalert being set to true and run method
                  'showalert': 'triggerTimeout',

    Because this prop is synched back to parent, button state updated too.

    It works but using watch etc. feels overblown. Vue may have a better way to handle this. I'm new to Vue so somebody with more knowledge might chime in.