I'm currently using Pandas to get options data from yahoo. It works fine until there is a stock that does not have options, at which point the program crashes. I attempted to create exceptions and just have it pass but without luck. How can I have the program identify stocks with no options and just skip? Thanks.
The error I get is this: RemoteDataError: Data not available
Here's the code (I used a stock with no options to test--> 'GHC'):
from pandas_datareader.data import Options
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import datetime
import csv
import time
import sys
tickers = ['GHC']
for i in tickers:
option = Options(i,'yahoo')
data = option.get_all_data()
print data.head
except AttributeError:
except RemoteDataError:
You can handle the RemoteDataError
exception imported from pandas_datareader._utils
from pandas_datareader._utils import RemoteDataError
from pandas_datareader.data import Options
tickers = ['GHC']
for i in tickers:
option = Options(i, 'yahoo')
data = option.get_all_data()
except RemoteDataError:
print("No information for ticker '%s'" % i)