I have a database squid
with a table configs
I am trying to get the configs table into a different database [testsquid] on the same host
Here is what I've tried:
select * into testsquid.configs from squid.configs;
I tried first without creating the configs table in testsquid, and then I actually created the configs
table in testsquid
I am trying to get the configs table from squid into the new database testsquid. I decided not to use mysql dump because it locks the table.
What am I doing incorrectly?
If the table schemas are equal you can try:
insert into testsquid.configs
select * from squid.configs;
If the new table does not exist yet create it with:
create table testsquid.configs like squid.configs;
I am not sure if insert-select also locks the table. To keep the locking time short you could create a similar temporary table with memory engine without any indexes. Copy the data into the temp table and after that from the temp table into the physical one.