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H2 equivalent of Postgres `SERIAL` or `BIGSERIAL` column?

In Postgres, defining a column with SERIAL/BIGSERIAL has a triple effect as discussed here:

  • Define a int/bigint column.
  • Create a sequence object to generate auto-incrementing numbers.
  • Set the default of the column to call nextval() on the sequence.

Is there a similar shortcut command in H2 to get this related set of behavior?

If not, what would the long version of the SQL be?


  • Where does the sequence live? How can you adjust its value or reset it?

    If you create a column as auto_increment (or identity) H2 creates a sequence in the background. The name of that sequence can be obtained by looking at information_schema.columns:

    create table foo 
      id           integer auto_increment,
      other_column varchar(20)

    If you then run:

    select column_name, column_default
    from information_schema.columns
    where table_name = 'FOO'
    and table_schema = 'PUBLIC';

    You'll get something like this:

    COLUMN_NAME  | COLUMN_DEFAULT                                                              
    ID           | (NEXT VALUE FOR PUBLIC.SYSTEM_SEQUENCE_C1C36118_ED1C_44D6_B573_6C00C5923EAC)
    OTHER_COLUMN |                                                                            

    You can alter that sequence without problems:

    alter sequence SYSTEM_SEQUENCE_C1C36118_ED1C_44D6_B573_6C00C5923EAC 
       restart with 42;

    This is essentially identical to Postgres' serial data type

    If not, what would the long version of the SQL be?

    create sequence foo_id_seq;
    create table foo 
      id           integer default foo_id_seq.nextval,
      other_column varchar(20)

    The big difference between this and a Postgres serial is that H2 does not know that the sequence "belongs" to the column. You need to drop it manually when the table is dropped.

    foo_id_seq.nextval will actually be converted to (NEXT VALUE FOR PUBLIC.FOO_ID_SEQ) when the table is created (and it will be stored like that in information_schema.columns.