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Spark ML - Save OneVsRestModel

I am in the middle of refactoring my code to take advantage of DataFrames, Estimators, and Pipelines. I was originally using MLlib Multiclass LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS on RDD[LabeledPoint]. I am enjoying learning and using the new API, but I am not sure how to save my new model and apply it on new data.

Currently, the ML implementation of LogisticRegression only supports binary classification. I am, instead using OneVsRest like so:

val lr = new LogisticRegression().setFitIntercept(true)
val ovr = new OneVsRest()
val ovrModel =

I would now like to save my OneVsRestModel, but this does not seem to be supported by the API. I have tried:"my-ovr") // Cannot resolve symbol save
ovrModel.models.foreach("model-" + _.uid)) // Cannot resolve symbol save

Is there a way to save this, so I can load it in a new application for making new predictions?


  • Spark 2.0.0

    OneVsRestModel implements MLWritable so it should be possible to save it directly. Method shown below can be still useful to save individual models separately.

    Spark < 2.0.0

    The problem here is that models returns an Array of ClassificationModel[_, _]] not an Array of LogisticRegressionModel (or MLWritable). To make it work you'll have to be specific about the types:

    ovrModel.models.zipWithIndex.foreach { 
      case (model: LogisticRegressionModel, i: Int) =>"model-${model.uid}-$i")

    or to be more generic:

    ovrModel.models.zipWithIndex.foreach { 
      case (model: MLWritable, i: Int) =>"model-${model.uid}-$i")

    Unfortunately as for now (Spark 1.6) OneVsRestModel doesn't implement MLWritable so it cannot be saved alone.


    All models int the OneVsRest seem to use the same uid hence we need an explicit index. It will be also useful to identify the model later.