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Can I successfully do iPhone/iPad website development/testing on Windows?

Can I successfully do iPhone/iPad web development (not native apps) on Windows, and without having an iPhone/iPad device?

I.e. work like PSD-to-iPhone-optimized XHTML/CSS layout.

I’m interested to learn about and make iPhone/iPad optimized websites. Any tips? How different will it be from desktop? What’s different other than the smaller screen?


  • From experience I will say the only true way to test for the iPad is to test on an iPad. I have been developing a site in html5 specifically for an iPad and we initially used the iPhone to test. The drag function we had implemented with jQuery had worked almost perfectly on the iPhone but after the client had tested on the iPad they came back to us and said the function did not work period and they were correct.

    I guess this could change depending on what type of development you are doing. From experience I would say either A. Make some trips to the apple store B. Make friends with iPad owner C. Buy and iPad