I am currently writing a short program to carry out some analysis of random matrix eigenvalue distributions but the parameter choice required for my analysis turned out making the whole thing extremely slow. Basically I should be looping over the function below, ideally for approx 5000 times, and eventually collecting the complete list of eigenvalues at the end.
C = np.zeros((N,N))
time_series = np.random.normal(mu,sigma, (N + B*(M-1)) )
for k in range(int(M)):
C += np.outer(time_series[k*B : (N) + k*B], time_series[k*B : (N) + k*B])
C = C/M
eg_v = np.linalg.eigvalsh(C)
where I need N = 1000, B around 10, M = 100. However, with this choice of parameters the program takes something like 4-5 hours to run on my quite-performing laptop.
Leaving hardware limitations aside, is there something I can do with respect to the code to speed the whole thing up?
Thanks in advance!
You can replace the loop with a vectorized solution using np.tensordot
Thus, the following -
C = np.zeros((N,N))
for k in range(int(M)):
C += np.outer(time_series[k*B : (N) + k*B], time_series[k*B : (N) + k*B])
could be replaced by -
# Get the starting indices for each iteration
idx = (np.arange(M)*B)[:,None] + np.arange(N)
# Get the range of indices across all iterations as a 2D array and index
# time_series with it to give us "time_series[k*B : (N) + k*B]" equivalent
time_idx = time_series[idx]
# Use broadcasting to perform summation accumulation
C = np.tensordot(time_idx,time_idx,axes=([0],[0]))
The tensordot
could be replaced by a simple dot-product :
C = time_idx.T.dot(time_idx)
Runtime test
Functions :
def original_app(time_series,B,N,M):
C = np.zeros((N,N))
for k in range(int(M)):
C += np.outer(time_series[k*B : (N) + k*B], time_series[k*B : (N) + k*B])
return C
def vectorized_app(time_series,B,N,M):
idx = (np.arange(M)*B)[:,None] + np.arange(N)
time_idx = time_series[idx]
return np.tensordot(time_idx,time_idx,axes=([0],[0]))
Inputs :
In [115]: # Inputs
...: mu = 1.2
...: sigma = 0.5
...: N = 1000
...: M = 100
...: B = 10
...: time_series = np.random.normal(mu,sigma, (N + B*(M-1)) )
Timings :
In [116]: out1 = original_app(time_series,B,N,M)
In [117]: out2 = vectorized_app(time_series,B,N,M)
In [118]: np.allclose(out1,out2)
Out[118]: True
In [119]: %timeit original_app(time_series,B,N,M)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.56 s per loop
In [120]: %timeit vectorized_app(time_series,B,N,M)
10 loops, best of 3: 26.2 ms per loop
Thus, we are seeing a 60x
speedup for the inputs listed in the question!