This is what I pursued.(This figure is a result of similar project which shown in this question)
2.1 read the polylines
For now, I was thinking about using shapely package to cope with.
road_file =road = map.readshapefile('roadmap','roadmap',zorder =1,)
2.2 Split it into multi-lines
# x1,y1 --> start point; y1,y2 --> end point
road = {"name":[],"x1":[],"x2":[],"y1":[],"y2":[],"distance":[]}
l = []
ll = []
i = 0
for info, shape in zip(, roadmap):
road["name"].append("road" + str(i))
l = info
2.3 Generate the grid network
The grid network will be all over the area, and I'll transform each grid into a shapely squire.
2.4 Sum the length of each road inside of the grid
This step I didn't write in code. And here is an simple example for one grid with one road(line, indeed).
import shapely
polygon = [(1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0), (2.0, 2.0), (1,2), (1, 1)]
shapely_poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon)
line = [(1, 2), (2,1)]
shapely_line = shapely.geometry.LineString(line)
intersection_line = list(shapely_poly.intersection(shapely_line).coords)
In this way, I can get the intersection length of one grid with one line.
But when my data was vast(100x100 grids & 200 roads), the loop would be so slow. There must be some alternative way to deal with this issue.
Any advices would be appreciate!
import rpy2
from rpy2.robjects import r
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
rgdal = importr('rgdal')
raster = importr("raster")
rgeos = importr("rgeos")
rscript = """
##Reference the question I mentioned above
roads <- readOGR(dsn = ".", layer ="roadmap")
roads_utm <- spTransform(roads, CRS("+init=epsg:21037"))
roads_utm_rst <- raster(extent(roads_utm), ncol = 100,nrow =100,crs = projection(roads_utm))
lengths <- sapply(1:ncell(roads_utm_rst), function(i) {
tmp_rst <- roads_utm_rst
tmp_rst[i] <- 1
tmp_shp <- rasterToPolygons(tmp_rst)
if (gIntersects(roads_utm, tmp_shp)) {
roads_utm_crp <- crop(roads_utm, tmp_shp)
roads_utm_crp_length <- gLength(roads_utm_crp)
} else {
length = r(rscripts)
Then, length is a list contain length information of every grid, then I can use python directly to analyse it.
You could try to use shapely's MultiLineString object.
Then, instead of having a list of LineString
to iterate, you could perform the intersection only once for each grid cell.
roadLengthInCell = roadsMultiLineString.intersection(cellRect).length