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Unable to encrypt plaintext to password

I'm trying enhance the current implementation of password hiding stated

Am I using it wrongly? As below is my code:

import hashlib
import binascii
def Encrypt_Pass(password, authenticator, secret):
        m = hashlib.md5()
        return "".join(chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for x, y in zip(password.ljust
       (16,'\0')[:16], m.digest()[:16]))
result = Encrypt_Pass("abcd1","344c71c77a2b845b8856ffa968740b73","sharedsecret")
ciphertext = "6ed3a35440abe69b2e8698109b809932"#plaintext is cisco123
print result.encode("hex")

Result is shown below :


As you can see the returned ciphertext DOES NOT match the encrypted password I capture ! Am I using the code wrongly? I verified that the plaintext password and shared key used are accurate.

Appreciate if someone could point me the right direction.


  • Your authenticator is a hex string. It needs to be converted to a binary string.

    import hashlib
    from binascii import a2b_hex
    def Encrypt_Pass(password, authenticator, secret):
        m = hashlib.md5()
        m.update(secret + a2b_hex(authenticator))
        return "".join(chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for x, y in zip(password.ljust
           (16,'\0')[:16], m.digest()[:16]))
    result = Encrypt_Pass("cisco123","344c71c77a2b845b8856ffa968740b73","sharedsecret")
    ciphertext = "6ed3a35440abe69b2e8698109b809932"#plaintext is cisco123
    print result.encode("hex")